
Want to learn more about Breath and Pelvic Floor?

Or how about Rotation? I have added two workshop classes! Breath and your Pelvic Floor is a 90 min class exploring how our diaphragms relate and what we can do to lessen pressure and tension in our pelvic floor. Strained breathing, breath holding and abdominal tension are some of the hindrances we can get into… Continue reading Want to learn more about Breath and Pelvic Floor?


New class starting in Rathmines

Empty your stress bucket with a soothing restorative Somatic Movement course, starting November 9th. Set better habits, calm your nervous system and move better again!


First plans for 2019

It's cosy knitting time for me! I love when autumn arrives that means I can wear ALL my handknitted jumpers. If you've been a client of mine, you have probably seen me wearing one... For me it's important and relaxing to make things-knitting, sewing... it gives me a connection to who came before me in… Continue reading First plans for 2019

Uncategorized, Workshops

More workshops confirmed!

When I said 2018 will be the year of sharing Somatic Education with more people I meant it! I was visiting Holistic Nurture in Blanchardstown (D15), and while I was travelling through the snowy sleet and icy wind, Leemore who runs Holistic Nurture gave me a warm welcome. The centre is open since a bit… Continue reading More workshops confirmed!

Uncategorized, Workshops

Workshop in February

I will teach a Neck and shoulder pain relief workshop at The Pilates Hub in Rathfarnham on February 10th at 2pm - tickets are live now and the first bookings are coming in! Learn how to take back control of the muscles of your shoulders, neck and back even out your shoulders without forcing improve… Continue reading Workshop in February