Site icon SOMAdublin Somatic Education in Dublin

New course starting soon


I hope 2017 has started well for everyone reading. My Christmas break was all about taking time out for our little family and myself, in preparation for a busy year ahead. Making plans, writing out what needs to be finished by what date… a year really isn’t that long!

I would like to invite you to invest a little time (8hours to be exact) in yourself, starting at the end of this month. 8 hours of tuition in Somatic Movement Education, that will give you a solid, expandable base for better, more controlled and efficient movement. Why should you join the course?
You might already be going to a weekly Pilates or Yoga class. You initially went there to get rid of a recurrent back pain or muscle tightness you experience while working seated at a desk. The pain might not have gone or still comes back more frequently than you would like it to.

You might love gardening, walking your dog, going for a hike or participate in sports, but your body feels achy and stiff after only a short while moving or as a result of an activity.

You might feel like you need to take care of yourself more to be able to take care of your loved ones.

You might want to learn a routine that helps you to sleep better, rather than come out of a class too wired to calm down in the evening.

You might like to join a group in movement, but are afraid of being judged. You don’t like to be shouted at in class to reach your limit at any cost, adding to daily stress and pressure patterns.

You might want to learn more about how your body works, because you have a sense that this might be important information.

There are a lot of different individual reasons to join a Somatic Movement class. Somatics is an empowering, no-nonsense movement teaching, that involves you as the intelligent person you are, honing your skills at zooming into your sensations. Each class is accompanied by a short conclusion of what we were working on, the exercises as a written out description and (if everyone agrees) you will get a recording of the whole course for free, where you can listen to the details we might have adjusted to make the movement feel good for you. That’s a lot more value for money! Additionally, you can book one to one appointments at the discounted price.

Sign up here

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