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New classes from October

Lots of exciting things are happening – first off I am guest lecturing again in UL next Monday, this time I will work with the new MA Contemporary Dance Performance students as well as the MA Traditional Dance Performance students to introduce them to Somatic Movement Education in the tradition of Thomas Hanna.

I am delighted to be back at the beautiful Irish World Academy, the performing arts faculty at University of Limerick. This is where I completed my MA in Contemporary Dance Performance in 2010, an important year for me on my journey of somatic education.

When I’m back, I have a bit of time to recollect myself before traveling to beautiful York once again for my fifth Clinical Somatic Education module under Martha Peterson from Essential Somatics. I’m so happy to see my class mates again after a year of practice at home, it’s good to dive in again in a super concentrated format! Looking forward to having a public clinic again this time, where we can receive feedback from both teachers and mentors as well as class mates. While I used to be really nervous on such occasions, I am now looking forward to being ‘assessed’ and get more info from the outside about what I am doing.

Back in Dublin, a whole host of new classes are starting up – Monday will (hopefully) see a new Ballet for Beginners class at Yoga Dublin in Ranelagh! I’m so looking forward to have some dance back in my life after a long hiatus and boogie in the living room with my son. I love teaching ballet, it’s challenging but very rewarding for everyone involved. I think I like that it has a reliable structure for both teacher and students and progressions are very clear. Even working at the most basic level, we can feel how beautifully we can move our bodies, no matter how old, large, small, young or whatever we are (or feel – it’s just numbers anyways..). The class is on at 10am and you can sign up via
On Tuesdays I will offer a Restorative Somatic Movement class in Harold’s Cross – there are still spaces available! I’m looking forward to teach 8 solid weeks of Somatics again, as clients can make sense of how they move when there is a regular class and things ‘stick’ better. Over the summer, creche is closed so morning classes were not doable – I’m happy to be back teaching! This class is open to ALL ages (so far I have a good few over 60s booked in!), so even if you think a regular exercise class isn’t for you, try it out! If you read this and think your parents might benefit, let them know! You can hop over to the Classes section and book your mat there. This class also starts at 10am.

The finally on Friday I’m back at Live and Breathe Pilates with another Restorative Movement class at 10am. This class will be perfect for anyone who likes to just come to a class – mats and cushions etc are all there already and all you need to do is book in and show up!

In November, you have the opportunity to take a whole weekend of learning with my teacher Martha Peterson in a Fundamentals Immersion weekend, held at Live&Breathe Pilates. I can’t recommend this highly enough – you will feel refreshed, your mind will be blown and safely put back together again and you will learn so much about yourself! Get booking, this is a rare opportunity to learn Somatic Movement in the tradition of Thomas Hanna in a pure form. The workshop is taking place on November 18th and 19th. Please book here:
To raise more awareness for the workshop, I will teach an intro class in aid of the Dublin Simon Community on November 4th – 75min for 20€ will all money going to Simon.

You can sign up for all of the classes online, either at or www,, or drop me a line for the Tuesday class!

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