Site icon SOMAdublin Somatic Education in Dublin

Monthly Community Class

Monthly Community Class, Friday February 25th 2022

This 50min class is happening every last Friday of the month at 8.15pm GMT Dublin / 3.15pm ET New York | Toronto / 1.15pm MT Denver.

Soften into the weekend with a gentle class suitable for beginners!

You need some floor space, a blanket or mat to lie down on and a pillow for your head (when lying on the side). Generally speaking, a class will feature movements done while lying on the back, side or front. Positions can be adapted to your challenges, if you have any. Using a chair instead for example can be made possible.

The class has a pay what you can pricing and is hosted via zoom. You will automatically receive the link 45min before class starts. Class will be audio recorded and made available for replay for 7 days, as well as for general later purchase.

Come as you are! You can choose to have your video on or off. Dress comfortably. All participants will be muted, so if you have people or pets in the background, no worries! Please join on time. Movements are not demonstrated, you can simply lie down (or sit) and follow the suggestions.

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