Time for a Clinical Lesson #1. In a Clinical Somatic Education lesson #1, we address the muscles of the back in order to release a full body tension pattern on the more dominant ( – read tighter) side and gain more awareness for the sensation of tightness versus release.
This first lesson is part of a course of 3, where we release the back, side and front through gentle assisted movement. The lesson is taught on a table (like a massage table, but lower and more firm, so you don’t sink in and get better feedback), lying on the front – we sometimes use cushions if needed to make it more comfortable.
Comfort is a big point in Somatic Movement: we don’t want your brain to be distracted by pain or discomfort, so you can fully concentrate on the learning experience. This is another point that separates Somatic Movement Education from therapies: It’s education, you retrain your brain to control your muscles, rather than a therapist manipulating parts of your body from the outside. This makes you independent from a practitioner after a short while, as you will be equipped with simple exercises you can practice to stay in or regain a state of release and suppleness with muscles ready to work efficiently.
And even if you don’t suffer from back pain, remember the great Somatic Educator Moshe Feldenkrais’ words – Improvement is infinite.
If you would like to book a session, please contact me via email (somadublincity at gmail dot com)