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Essential Somatics Fundamentals Weekend | March 9th/10th

I am delighted to announce that I will teach an Essential Somatics Fundamentals Weekend together with my colleague Colm McDonnell. We both are involved in the Essential Somatics Movement Teacher training for a while now as trainers, and are really looking forward to sharing this rich and exiting weekend course with you. The weekend course runs on March 9th and 10th from 9-5pm

We will work at Oscailt on Pembroke Road, D4. Find out more and book your space by clicking the logo below!
I often get asked about joining the teacher training! If you are interested in taking the teacher training, the Fundamentals weekend is part of the required learning to get you started.
Take advantage of having 2 experienced Clinical Somatic Educators at hand to get into the groove of practicing Essential Somatics. It is a life-changing practice for many, and enjoyable too!

Here is a breakdown of what you will learn over the 2 days:

Day 1



Day 2



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