Site icon SOMAdublin Somatic Education and Reformer Pilates in Dublin

Client feedback uuuh aaaah!

releasing the waist muscles for a smoother gait

I taught a hip specific workshop class last weekend and one of the participating clients send me back a lovely feedback I got permission to share with you!

If you would like to use the power of gentle movement to gain more control, awareness and release, don’t wait around, DO IT! You can start tomorrow – at 7.30pm to be precise (did I tell you Somatic Movement makes you sleep like a baby too!) head over to Classes and book your spot. It’s the last course this year!

I must say I found the class mind blowing- my hips are a lot more relax since Sat, I don’t feel the continuous tension in them but a more relax feeling; as if I let go of something there.

I also noticed my neck a lot less tense (as you mentioned – it’s connected). I have been doing a couple of the exercises for the hips every now and again, and its making such a big difference. Thanks so much for your class and sharing your knowledge.

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